November 10, 2005

The "C" Battery

Since Nicole moved in with The Kiddo and I Monday nights have become our TV nights. We watch Prison Break at 9pm then Medium at 10pm. So recently we were very excited about our Monday night since Prison Break hadn't been on for three weeks. We got home washed our faces and put on comfortable clothes. Prison Break was great that night. It was about 9:40 when a commercial came on and I ran in the kitchen to do some dishes. I couldn't help but think, "Prison Break is AWESOME and it isn't over yet. Next is Medium which means we still have over an hour of some great shows". Well I guess I jinxed us. It was about 9:50 and we lost electricity.
Several times it tried to come back on and we just sat there, in the dark, astonished. This can't be happening! We have been waiting for this for THREE weeks! Finally, we got up and lit the candles. Nicole held a candle for The Kiddo so she could finish putting her clothes away. I found more candles and a few flashlights. All the while Nicole and I were just so upset… This is our big TV night or as Nicole put it recently "Our girls bonding night".
Then it hit The Kiddo… She remembered she had a little portable TV that could run on batteries. We stopped everything and got the TV from her closet. I checked the kitchen for batteries and found I had 8 C batteries. I couldn't remember why I had so many C batteries but I was praying it was enough to get the TV to work. I took the cover off the TV and luckily it took C batteries but it needed 9 of them. OYE!
So begins our search for one more C batteries. It didn't even need to be a good one but we just knew one would provide the connection needed to get the TV to work. We took The Kiddo's games apart to see what kind of batteries they needed, checked the flashlights, and even checked some of the motorized cars but none of them used C batteries. I was racking my brain… Why did I have these batteries in the first place? Then as I was grabbing a candle from my bedroom it hit me! Oh My Goodness! I looked to see where Nicole and The Kiddo were then I went and checked. BINGO! That was it! How was I going to explain to them where I found the C battery? How embarrassing! I knew Nicole would get it and I would have to somehow avoid The Kiddo's questioning. Nicole figured it out right away and we couldn't stop laughing. I had to just tell The Kiddo that she can't always be "In the know".

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