January 23, 2006

Ugly Politicians???

Recently, a friend of mine called me shortly after landing in Chicago. She says, "Red, I think I know one of your dating problems. I got off the plane and looked around and noticed that Chicago men are much better looking, not to mention taller than the average D.C. man. Plus, the D.C. Metro area has a lot of rednecks, and I think you've dated a good majority of them".
Statistics say that over 60% of couples have met through mutual friends/family members. So I am putting the word out for people to be on the lookout for nice, single, tall guys for me. No rednecks allowed! Don't get me wrong, I don't really have anything against rednecks, or blue-collar guys for that matter. Some of the nicer guys I have dated were blue-collar guys. However, my dad continues to tell me, "Stop dating those blue-collar guys". But then again, the white-collar guys I've been attracted to tend to send photos of their penis or grab me without permission.
I am enjoying the looks I get when I ask people to think of me when they come across a single dude, but I'm not relaying this to any friends that may have a majority of redneck friends/associates. The other day I was talking to a Lieutenant at work, and mentioned my specifications, and asked that he think of me with any of his single officer friends.
The dating world is a rough one. The guys all resemble smarmy salesmen who say what you want to hear just to get a little "something something". I have conferred with some male friends, and they all tell me what the smarmy guy of the month is going to try to pull next…and believe it or not, they are always right… often to my dismay.
I have tried Match.com and all those guys definitely fall under the desperate smarmy category. I have to admit that Match can be a bit addicting, and I'm not alone with that thought. You post your profile and pic and in come emails because someone finds you attractive and you have caught their attention. How can that not feel good? I just can't do the Match thing anymore so I tried a religious group called "Soul Purpose".
Soul Purpose (http://www.mcleanbible.org/pages/page.asp?page_id=1202) is a community of believers who are Single Adults in their 30s and 40s. My friends said, "How bad can the guys be at a church?" I looked at it as a sociological experiment (in the words of Nicole). Once I arrived, I grabbed a cup of coffee and sat down, in the back, and looked around. I felt as if I had a sign that said "Fresh Meat", my bright red hair always helps in that arena (note the sarcasm). The evening started with a Christian rock band, they were pretty good, but I don't care if the words are scrolling on the screen I wasn't going to sing along. By the third song, many people were really getting into it and would throw up their arms in praise of the Lord's song. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against praising the Lord. I'm just not that reverent and enthusiastic about it. I'm Catholic and we are a reserved religion. They had a sermon and it was informative, but this place didn't seem to be my cup of tea.
After an evening of Soul Purpose, I perused the website Professionals In The City (http://www.prosinthecity.com/). They have some really great events such as Basketball Games, Hockey Games and Pole Dancing, to name a few. I was thinking, "Hey, maybe this is what I need". I noticed a section with pictures and started looking through those. Some of these girls are really cute, but then I realized there weren't many guys, the only guys they did have pictures of seemed to be the guys from Soul Purpose. This reminded me of an article that I read that stated that the D.C. Metro area has the ugliest singles in the country. This area is all politics and how often do you come across a hot politician!

1 comment:

  1. It just occurred to me after reading your singles-saga posts and also the posts of a guy in my tri club on the singles scene, that maybe the two of you should chat! Here's his post today on it http://dc.metblogs.com/archives/2006/01/dc_singles_wors.phtml

    The guy's a little cocky and arrogant, but kinda cute!

