April 18, 2006

Lent is Over!

Lent is over! We can all go back to our bad habits now. Ok ok I cheated that last week and had some chocolate, what can I say I was on vacation. For Lent 2006 I gave up chocolate, candy, dating or even perusing any online dating sites. The chocolate and candy was the most difficult to give up I had no problem abstaining from dating. But seriously, Lent is a time to not only give up something bad in your life (like dating) but to make a change for the good. Ash Wednesday services were an eye opener for me and the priest said, "We all give up candy and that is easy but who can go home after a bad day at work and be Joyful?" What a great point and it was easier than I thought and made the home life with the Kiddo so much better.
During Lent a friend gave me a book titled "Dream Catcher". This is workbook to figure out what is wrong with me and why I'm not finding love. I then received a phone call from a friend suggesting the book "The Intimacy Struggle" (The Revised Edition), which I find oddly fascinating. Mom even called me telling me she was going to buy me Dr. Phil's new book because she thinks I need the help. This was all within the last month and I'm seeing a running theme here. Do they think my time is running out?
I'm not worried. I'm still very much in love with my car (The G-Car). I recently read an article that explains that buying a new car is the equivalent to sexual satisfaction but the satisfaction last longer for women than it does for men. I told this to Jen, when I was in Chicago, to which she replied, "No wonder I'm dying to buy a new car". How lucky are we women… longer new car buyer satisfaction and multiple orgasms! Oddly enough neither require a man.

1 comment:

  1. oddly enough there are a lot of things that men think they are needed for but aren't.
