May 12, 2006

Eligible Billionaires

Oh oh oh! Now here is an article for me… The world's most eligible billionaires or better yet… for Anna Nicole Smith. When I saw this on I had to check it out. Forget online dating… you just have to know where to look. So they are supplying us with a shopping list of Billionaire Bachelors.
First thing is The Location:
"The best place to find unattached billionaires is in the U.S. The West Coast"
The Strategy:
"In some cases, you can find more than one eligible single in the same family."
"Royalty is another smart bet."
The Downside:
"Billionaires can also come with their own unique set of baggage."
"You should also watch out for those already tied up with supermodel friends"
Alrighty then, this article hasn't been very helpful. I can't move to the West Coast, at least for right now. I was hoping for more of a spreadsheet type list of the billionaires including location, social status, e.g. never married, divorced, how many kids etc. Their likes and dislikes, e.g. will settle for nothing less than a beautiful Red Head from the East Coast.


  1. Red, you're in luck. I am a billionaire. Yes it is true without doubt. Yes sir reee!!!

    I just converted my entire net worth into Guinea Francs and I just barely made it.

    When's our date?

  2. See this is the unique baggage thingy that comes with billionaires.
    Your in the mid-west and not sure I could compete against The Minx. I couldn't even finish reading that blog. WHOA! It just got too hot in here!
