July 23, 2006

Numbers and Letters

I was walking to my car after work, on Friday, and I saw this license plate and it got me thinking. It wasn’t a vanity plate or anything it’s just sometimes I will crunch numbers in my head, e.g. if a house number is 2131 it totals 7 or 5722 totals 16 but then that totals 7. Yeah I know silly things like counting as you walk, which I did when I was little, to see how high I counted just walking to my friends house.

If I see letters I will figure out what they could be an acronym for but this is usually for memorization purposes. Sometimes its fun on long drives.

My ex husband had a car with a license plate that started with WFN. He was trying to memorize his plate and I suggested that he remembers it as an acronym. He came up with Wife For Now and we laughed. Little did either of us know

OK so the plate I saw ended with TFB. I really like this one… maybe I will use it someday.

"Tough Fucking Bitch"


  1. OCD much?

    Sorry, just kidding!

    I totally do the acronym thing with license plates. The letter part of mine is MVJ. Most Vociferous Jackass maybe?

  2. No! Your right! OCD!

    You should see me check my front door when I leave. I always make sure if Mini Red shuts the door that she checks the door knob.

    I have to look up Vociferous now.

  3. LMAO.

    I have an employee at our Michigan facility whose work email begins with her initials - bmf@. Every time I see it, I think of "bad mother f*cker" and it totally cracks me up! I thought I was the only one! Girl, we must be just alike. I'm sure the same thing would have crossed your mind! hehehe.

  4. I knew I liked you Tish!

    The other day Mini Red said "Mom your a WBM." I said, "Wild Bowel Movement?"

  5. Have you noticed lately they have DC plates starts with BJ? I don't know, it reminds me of something!!!

  6. BJ???? Hmmmmm Benjamin Jackson? Is that your real name?
