July 6, 2006

Ten things I’m tired of…

In honor of Brico I am doing my first ever list of TEN.

1) Rain (D.C. is getting a lot of this lately)
2) Sweating in this heat (especially, when the a/c broke)
3) Tourists (They can’t drive so get outta my way)
4) Losing my electricity (due to rain)
5) Spam at work (spam anywhere)
6) Gas prices (enuf said)
7) Car issues (broke down twice last week)
8) Being tired (can we have one or two more hours in the day please?)
9) Rain (It’s raining again!)
10) Resetting my clocks… again


  1. In response to #3, sorry girl! Didn't mean to cut you off in traffic today!

    And btw, Mwah!! ;)

  2. Like my Craps numbers, 6 and 8.

    Unlike craps, these are the worst!

    Torists don't bother me, as long as I don't bother them, but the gas prices and being tired.

    I could do with a nice bike ride to some green grass on a sunny day and nap under a tree.

    Oh wait. It's July in DC.

    Let me either sweat balls! or never dry out

  3. hmmm, thats a good topic idea. i trust i can borrow it at some point. and if youre tired of the heat you dont want to be around next monday and tuesday. id invite you down here to the boat but its gonna be just as hot here. at least my AC works.
