July 14, 2006

Well, I never...

Have seen such a sight.

Today I met my Sister In-Law for lunch at a local mall. As we were walking by the Godiva Chocolate shop I noticed it!

Three hot guys, two behind the counter, in the Godiva shop and a tray of chocolate covered strawberries on the counter.

I had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming.


  1. So, did you stop in and buy some chocolates? ;)

  2. Mad Cabbie: That is the pot callin the kettle black, eh? I read your post today.

    Tish: They were too young and I get too shy. But yummy to look at.

  3. Red, there is nothing wrong about the pot calling the kettle black, its like the horny big devil calling the little Red devil for spiritual advice!

    By the way Red, what kind of guy is hot in your book?

  4. Mad Cabbie: Definitely nothing wrong with the pot calling the kettle black. Just pointing it is all. Haven't you read any of the past posts like Rabbit or C-Battery? ;->

    What I ultimately think is hot may just have to be a post because that is a loaded question.

  5. And this mall would be where??? ;)

  6. Too bad you didn't have your camera on you

  7. John B: I started to get out my camera phone but I was going up the escalator. My sister-in-law and I started to back down the escalator but realized at our age acting like that isn't very lady like.
