August 2, 2006

Statements of the Day

A friend of mine had some great statements today. They were so good I had to share them with you.
"A cat must have slept between my legs last night because my hips hurt."
In reference to finding out she might be tasked to yet another project:

"I guess I just got sucked!"


  1. Your friend has a way with words... I'll be sure to use those statements for the rest of the day and see if I raise any eyebrows =;-)

  2. Hi Red... I am a new reader to your blog and i think its one of the best blogs on the net...

    Keep up the good job

  3. LOL. I have a friend who has tons of such ridiculously crazy statements and I love 'em.

  4. Well, My way with words is a hit. Of course it doesn't compare with the rest of the day and everyone checking out my boob spot.

  5. minijonb: So how did those line work for you?

    Legal Alien: Thanks Dude!

    Kilgorsky: Now I have the blog to stock pile what I hear. I will be checking your blog for those statements.

    Anon: I know Mo pointed your lactose spot out to Rob... who else got a peek? It was just one of those days for you, eh?

  6. I think I am going to use that excuse when I don't feel like driving passengers to some shady spot. What do you think?

  7. I got tongue-tied trying to say the first one, said something slightly suggestive, and got slapped.

  8. I don't know MC They might get turned on and pull out a chicken??? Hahahaha

    Minijonb: ROFLMAO I can just imagine it.

    See this is funny stuff. I've had a few people tell me that I say too much and this blog is a mistake. One friend, blatantly, told me I should turn it off. It will get me into trouble.

  9. lbb: I thought you were kidding until someone else asked the same question. Because her legs were open in an uncomfortable position due to cats between them.
