November 29, 2006

The Crud Continues

I worked until after midnight last night, starting about 14 hours prior, to meet my deadline. At least the deadline was on the West Coast and that helped a lot. This did not help this crud I have thus making today horrible. I did feel better for maybe 5 minutes but it passed.

I called my Aunt this morning to wish her a Happy 94th Birthday. The conversation went something like this:

Red: "Happy Birthday Aunt Dot!"
Aunt: "Ohhh, Happy Birthday to you too!"
Red: "How are you doing?"
Aunt: "Oh I'm just fine! How are you and Mini Red?"
Red: "We're just fine but I'm calling to see how you're doing and to wish you a great day."
Aunt: "I'm just fine."
Red: "Well what's going on? What does your Doctor say?"
Aunt: "I'm just fine. What is Mini Red up to?"
Red: "How's your left arm?"
Aunt: "Oh about the same."
Red: "What about your troubles swallowing your food?"
Aunt: "It's coming along. I'm starting therapy today."
Red: "That's a good sign. What if Mini Red and I come up there this weekend for a visit?"
Aunt: "OH, that would be nice!"

Looks like I'm not getting much information from her. I've just got this bad feeling so even though I really don't want a road trip it looks like Mini Red and I are going up there this weekend. Maybe I can get some real answers.

I'm so exhausted I was falling asleep at my desk. It felt so good and I could have had a really nice nap but I couldn't give into it. I figured since I hadn't had a coffee since Friday the caffeine could really help. Coffee just doesn't go with colds but desperate times call for desperate measures and I needed something to help me get through these test plans so I could go home and my second deadline would be met.

I've decided that Friday I'll leave work early, pick up Mini Red as soon as school was over and drive up to Scranton. If all goes well we will arrive around 8pm and crash and be refreshed to see my Aunt Saturday. We could then head back home around 3pm on Saturday leaving us Sunday to get our Christmas tree. I really don't want to spend any more money than necessary, considering the time of year, but one night at a hotel wouldn't be bad.

While searching for a hotel in the area I got a call from one of the Sisters. They are offering us a room at the convent next to the hospital. That would be convenient but… The Sisters mean well but they pretty much paw us when we get there. I had my Mom laughing at my impressions of the sisters but she's right… I need to stay there and save the money. My Aunt would be pissed if I didn't accept their hospitality.

The convent is becoming a habit this year.

Puny, puny, puny. I crack myself up. It must me my medicines.


  1. That made me laugh too. I'm a dork.

  2. Sorry to read you are having to work long hours especially when you are not feeling 100%. Hope you and your aunt are feeling better soon.

  3. Sweet hey-zeus, I love a good pun. And though your aunt may be a bit confused at baseline (not too unusual at that age), if she wasn't before, it's likely pain meds causing it. Narcotics are not nice to the elderly.

  4. You're going to Scranton? Are you planning to visit Dunder Mifflin?
