November 11, 2006

I'm an Auntie again!

My friend Chrissy gave birth last night to little Michael.

Michael was due in January so he is a premie at just 32 weeks. Chrissy will be released from the Hospital Sunday but they're hoping little Michael will be home before Christmas.

Any and all prayers are sought to help this little man out.


  1. Your friend is about to go through hell. I went through it with my first one. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. Be strong for her

  2. I hope the little one becomes strong and healthy. The good news is that at 32 weeks, he has a great shot at having a normal life. I know a kid who was born at 30 weeks who is a dead-set genius.

  3. Congrats and good prayers.

    I was a 28 weeker in 1969. I hold an advanced degree. Let Chrissy know that I turned out fine...sort of ;)

  4. Thanks for all your well wishes. He's looking good so far in these early stages.
