November 9, 2006

It's back! It's Back! Red is Back!

You know the Holiday Season is upon us when Starbucks brings out the RED CUPS! I'm so frigging excited! I don't nearly enjoy the holiday season as much as I did when I was a kid. I love Christmas Eve and Christmas Day and seeing my ENTIRE family. It's a blast!

It's the shopping I don't like. Figuring out what to get someone and figuring out how I'm gonna pull the money outta my ass THIS year.

I always make it happen because it's all about Mini Red. I want her to have what I had Christmas mornings and this is why I have kept up the traditions we had as I was growing up. Mini Red is aware of the magic of Christmas and keeps it on the down low to make me happy.

This is where I get really sad. All my life Christmas has been about the kiddies. My brother and sister are 10 and 13 years younger than me so when I was older I loved watching them. Soon they grew up and I had Mini Red. I not only got to watch her but I made it happen for her, it just don't get no better than that. Mini Red is getting older and I can still make those Christmas mornings awesome for her but my life no longer gets to experience the joys of the little ones and taking them to sit on Santa's lap. I had always hoped to have more children but I'm most grateful for the one I have I just want her to stay little forever.

Last year was the first year Mini Red and I had our own tree since our new place was big enough. There was much deliberation to pick our perfect tree. Once we decided we called the skinny boy over who picked up our tree, wrapped it up and carried to my car. I opened the trunk (of my old car), where I kept everything, planning on fitting the tree in the trunk through to the backseat. The dude looked at me and I said, "Yeah… I got a lotta junk… in my trunk." I think it was all he could do to contain his laughter.

The past few years there is another tradition that just gets me so damn excited… The Starbucks Holiday Red Cups. I don't know what it is but it just perks me up. This morning I got my first Red Cup of the season I guess this means I have to go shopping soon.


  1. Well Happy Holidays!

    Yea for the red cups!!

  2. Maybe we should just send all holiday-lovin', xmas-shopping peps to their own planet so we can just sit here in peace with our Red cups while they celebrate their f-ed up holiday all year. ...was that too bitter? =:-)

  3. Irish: Red is always good, eh?
    MiniJon: Yeah it was a touch bitter. Are you ok?
    I just want the money and shopping to magically appear Christmas Day. Do you think the planet you speak of is near planet Idioto?

  4. Wouldn't it be easier to keep your money in a wallet or purse? Then there would be one less thing to worry about in the stress of the run up to Xmas. Just a thought!

  5. At least you have one holiday between now and Christmas. All the tinsel is already going up in Australia. Aaaargh!

  6. Visa gift cards! Solves all my Christmas shopping woes! LOL!

    I love the red cups too! They make me giggle! LOL!

  7. Jeremy: You don't keep you money up your ass?
    E: You should still force your family to celebrate Thanksgiving with you.
    CreoleChick: I like finding the unusual. One of my favorite places to shop is Ten Thousand Villages.

  8. Red I used to but stopped once I discovered the fanny pack to walk around with and the loose floor board for savings. It is so nice to no longer feel bloated.

    OK I will stop now.

  9. I have never been in a Starbucks. I have walked past them many times, but never gone in the door.

  10. Jeremy: A fanny pack? I would rather keep it up my ass! Hahaha
    Keith: That's cause you live in the boonies Lovaa.
    Johnny: I should have started earlier due to Mini Red. You like da bootie eh?

  11. I can't argue with that, because our Starbucks are at the Safeway.

  12. The Starbucks red cups are because of Christmas!?!?!? Dang, and I thought they were somehow trying to honor you.

    Thanks for correcting me.

  13. Keith: You need to take a break from the boonies.
    Lugi: I think the Christmas thing is just a rouse.

  14. and with the red cups comes Gingerbread Lattes. I love that stuff. Had two today just for fun!

  15. Red -- it appears that Starbucks employees are as excited as you about the red cups:

    And yes, Red is always good :)

  16. Yay for red cups! Tomorrow morning, I'll have an extra one for poor, deprived Uncle Keith.
