November 25, 2006

It's time for the Holiday Craziness to start

Thanksgiving was awesome. We had maybe thirty people at my parents and yet again I was at the kids table but it was my parent's kids at the table. All of us are over 25 except for Mini Red.

I felt bad for Mini Red since she was the only kid there except for the baby. The baby is my sister-in-laws brothers baby so I took my turn jabbing SIL for when she and Brotha Man are gonna make me an Auntie. When they have their baby I will be a REAL Auntie and I can baby-sit and basically… annoy the crap outta SIL and Brotha Man.

Anyhow, for dinner we had cousins from Rochester and In-Laws from Connecticut and North Carolina, Aunts from here and my Uncle and his family came for dessert from Annapolis. Ugggh Desert! For dinner I had a little, very little, of everything with a little extra of the pineapple stuffing. This stuff is over the top. I don't know if it's age or what but I was stuffed! On top of that… I was waiting for it to digest so I could try some desert but that never happened.

I started in on the dishes hoping the movement would help the digestion. It didn't but at least we got a serious dent in the clean up before Mom made us stop.

All of us ended up in the family room and I was able to finally procure a spot on the couch with a pillow on my lap. No I did not unbutton my pants, it wasn't that bad. There were some great family stories and SIL's Dad was cracking me up with some funny stories too.

I truly think my Mom was in heaven. At one point she and one of her cousins from NY were cozying up in a chair together like they were little girls.

The one thing I love about my company is they have always given us the Friday after Thanksgiving off. My Mom and the girls were all going up to Frederick for a craft fair. I opted out for several reasons the main one being I had to take Mini Red to her Dad's.

I was out running some errands, after dropping off Mini Red, and I was in the hardware store when my cell rang and it wasn't a number I recognized. I was one of the Sister's from Aunt's convent. My Great Aunt, who will be 94, next Tuesday, had a stroke. I found a corner in the store and sat down to gather all the information. I know my Aunt is getting older but I was still surprised by it all. There wasn't much information to give since it had just happened but the Sisters were going to see her and would call me later with updates and phone numbers.

Mini Red and I are the only family she has and we are so far away. There's a painful history that has taken a really long time to mend between us. Plus if it weren't for her who knows how long it might have taken to make my first steps to get out of that awful marriage of mine.

I made my purchases and left and so much was going through my head. My first thought was "I don't know what her favorite flower is". There is so much more information that I need to find out about her and our family and time is running out. I just wish she were closer so I could do more.

I continued on my errands and went to the toy store. I was pleasantly surprised by the lack of crowds. I hit a few stores near the toy store but I was just a bit lost in my own head with thoughts of my Aunt. I managed to get a few gifts and headed back to meet up with the family at my parents for left overs.

I got a call later in the evening with updates on my Aunt. She was very lucid and asking if anyone had called me but, unfortunately, they had not moved her out of the emergency room yet so I couldn't call her. She's doing well and they were afraid she might be paralyzed on her left side but the Sister that called said they saw her left foot move. So that's good news. I have a feeling Mini Red and I might be on a road trip next weekend up to Scranton.

I give thanks for my family and for my Great Aunt. If you pray or whatever it is you do please think of my Aunt.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you had a FABULOUS holiday Chica!
