November 17, 2006

You can be South Parkish too!

I first saw this on Ar-Jew-Tino who got it from Sweet and then I saw E had it and also got it from Sweet.

I had to try it:

I then did a version of YDH and had some people in hysterics. My co-workers and I wasted some time creating more South Parkish co-workers. We laughed so hard I almost puked and South Park characters in our likeness have been posted all over the office.

Here's Mini Red:

What would you look like?


  1. I LOVE this thing. Totally addicted to it. I've created them for heaps of my friends now. So much for doing work on my thesis today...

  2. So addictive indeed. I'll add yours now!

  3. haha! Awesome! I did this more than a year ago, and I actually had my SouthPark likeness as my profile pic for a while. I'll have to find it and show ya! :)
