March 2, 2007

Wanna peek? Sure ya do!

I know I know there has been a lack of posts from your truly. I’ve heard it from a few of you and I find that a bit amusing.

Justin, who I haven’t spoken to in about a month, called to see if I was ok.

Google Boy called and said “No posts in 6 days! Is this correct? I want to make sure I’m not missing anything.”

I even got an email from Elvis asking what’s up with the dating scene especially after this post. He said he would be my cheerleading section:
She's sexy, she's cute,
She's popular to boot.
She's bitchin', great hair,
The boys all love to stare,
She's wanted, she's hot,
She's everything GSA feds are not.
As for you curious folks… No, I did not hear from DM but I didn’t expect to. Steps have been taken in the dating arena but that is not to be revealed for fear of being jinxed.

This life of mine has so many roles and keeping me very busy especially of late.

Work is very busy and no time to even check out any blogs during the day let alone post. It doesn’t help that I’m on site and only have dial up for internet. On-site we are in a room with no windows on the bottom floor. Because of the tight security we have to be escorted anywhere we go in the building so we just stay in this room until we leave. We are, thank goodness, allowed to go to the bathroom unescorted. I have come to the conclusion that women come from all parts of the building to our out-of-the-way bathroom to unleash the dead within them. Each day I am able to hold my breath longer and longer.

Class is five hours every Tuesday evening. Two hours lecture and three hours lab but the time flies and I’m loving it. We recently learned to repair/restore old or damaged photos and colorization.

As a Single Mom Mini Red keeps me busy. She has swimming twice a week and then there are the various activities such as her concerts. Going to the concerts can be pain not only because I don’t know many of the other parents but I often sit alone or even worse with Mini Red’s father (ugggh), his wife and various other family members of his. I love to listen to Mini Red play but these events get PACKED and are enough to make anyone claustrophobic. I would do anything for Mini Red and thankfully my family tries their best to be there for not only Mini Red but me.

Wednesday is Family Dinner Night. Brotha-Man, SIL, Sis and sometimes… Hmmmm he needs a name. I’m talking about Sis’s boyfriend... Let’s call him Chase. Haha it’s done you finally have a name here. So as I was saying we all go over to the Folks for dinner every Wednesday after work. We catch up on what everyone is up to and sometimes other family members join us like Aunts and Uncles. These nights have become more fun each week and bring us all closer. We love seeing SIL’s pregnant belly growing on her tiny frame. Mini Red will play her violin and more recently I have been sharing what I have been producing in my class. My big night was when Chase found me in Wa Po Express (print edition pg 36) and brought a copy for me. I think Dad got a kick out of it or at least I did watching him read it.

Then there is the one night I run. Mrs. M and I alternate meeting at each others homes and we run different routes each time. This has at times been difficult but we motivate each other. We miss every so often due to weather or illness but try to make it up. We not only get some exercise but there are other benefits like exploring the neighborhoods around us and getting time to talk away from the craziness that is our lives.

So there you have a peek into my crazy weekdays and why I might be tired. You know what? I wouldn’t have it any other way.

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