April 12, 2007

How positive is your thinking? Maybe you need to take the challenge too?

Today a discussion ensued regarding positive thinking. One of my co-workers tends to be a bit negative when it comes to herself and I am often the same way. I like to think of myself as a positive person but again that is different when it comes to me. I think this goes back to “We’re our own worst critic”.

I remember hearing that studies have been done showing that positive thinking can be life changing. So much so that it can help heal you and live a longer life. Google it and you will find a million articles.

Study Verifies Power of Positive Thinking
Optimism and the Immune System
Positive Thinking Can Help You Feel Better, Longer
The Power of Positive Thinking
The Power of Positive Thinking, Psychology Today

In our discussion today I said, “So you start seeing someone and he says something has happened and he can’t talk. He will call you as soon as he can. It was all going so well and you know he is/was into you. Do you hold out hope to hear from him again or write him off? This way if you don’t hear from him then you’re prepared for the worst and protect your heart. If not and you hold out hope and are let down then it’s more difficult to take.”

MB chimed in and said, “Either way you have the chance of being let down so why not be happy during some of that time? If you’re happy then it makes it easier to take the bad.”

Jay’s theory is not that it’s a negative thing it’s just being prepared. She believes there's a fine line between negativity and preparedness.

We have decided to challenge ourselves and invite others to join us. Starting April 15th we begin the month long Positive Thinking Challenge.

We are going to make great efforts not to have the negative thoughts and really concentrate on the positive. We want to see how changing our thought patterns influence our lives.

The hardest part might first be recognizing those negative thoughts.

I mentioned this to Trish back at the office and she loved the idea. All of us briefly discussed that we needed to set up parameters for ourselves or rather consequences for negative thoughts to encourage the positive. We soon realized we were being negative and instead of consequences we need to reward ourselves for the positive.

I don’t think parameters or rewards can be generalized for everyone. For me I have decided to put aside a dollar for every time I turn a negative thought around. After May 15th I will take that money and buy Trish lunch. Why? Because she suggested it.

So who wants to join us in this quest for a month? It could possibly change your life.

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