May 16, 2007

Craigslist Missed Connections

I love checking out these Missed Connections. Every once in a while you see two people that have posted about each other like these two. The sad thing is you never get the 411 on the outcome.

Nats Game Monday Night--Blue button-down - w4m - 25
I was sitting in the M-20s with my friends. The field was in front of you, but you turned in my direction an awful lot... I thought you were adorable, but you dashed off after receiving a phone call.

You had dark hair, sitting with two guys.

I was going to say something to your friends who were left, but they booked it after the end of the game.

If you see this, email me so we can go to a game together next time.

Location: M-20s

Nats Game Monday Night - striped blue and gray sweater - m4w - 26
you were sitting a couple of rows directly behind me wearing a blue and gray sweater, white button down shirt and blue pants. You also had a light brown handbag. It seemed you were just there with friends.

I guess you caught me turning around a couple of times and we made eye contact. I tried catching up to you but the crowd didn't let me.

It's a long shot but hope you see this and are as interested as I am.

Location: Nats game


Then there are all these missed connections for a hot Redhead near the Washington Post recently. I keep responding telling them I’m not near the Washington Post Building but they keep posting.

Actually, I’m thinking of heading over that way to check her out one day.

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