July 30, 2007

I have no idea what to title this post

I finished my eight week condensed course and now have four more college credits to my name. The class took up a lot of my time especially the second half of it and now work has me incredibly busy. This makes finding time to blog difficult and the inspiration isn't so easy. I spend about three hours a day commuting due to the location of Mini Red's camp. Quite a few topics have crossed my mind during the long hours in the car but when it comes time to sitting down and writing it out I'm finding other things that need to be done.

This weekend Mini Red and I have been under the weather. When I picked her up from camp on Friday she was sniffing and sneezing like crazy. I had been fighting a migraine all day and couldn't get out of work early since there was so much to do. The evening plans had changed and Mini Red and I were staying in. This meant no blogger happy hour for me this month.

Mini Red and I did get out and make it to the company picnic on Saturday after much debate. I was hoping the heat and just getting out would help and it did. It was a good thing we went because there weren't many people in attendance. Not one of our executives showed up. The company has gone through some major changes in the last year and it has been very scary and difficult for those of us that have stayed/survived. Things have been getting better but the lack of executives at the picnic was quite a blow to many of us and gives a bad impression of how they (The Executives) feel about the company and it's future.

After the picnic we were exhausted. The drive home seemed to take forever and we were looking forward to putting on a movie and taking a nap. Mini Red pulled out the blow up mattress and made herself comfortable and I crashed on the couch.
Sunday brought more laziness and trying to figure out how to transfer VHS to DVD while suffering another migraine. We also watched home movies from when Mini Red was little little little. Oh how she has changed and I would love to revisit her at that age and just hug her. My favorite was at the age of almost four, on Christmas morning Mini Red was lead into the room with the gifts under the tree. When she saw everything she exclaimed in a high pitched voice, "Look at all the stuff!" Aww she is so cute and I would love to have another. Mini Red says I could just have one injected since I don't have a man. How cute is she?

We then reluctantly ran out to get groceries for the coming week during the thunderstorm and this helped both of us a lot. We enjoyed walking through the rain in and out of the store plus Mini Red was a huge help and made this chore enjoyable because we worked together.

As for my course I learned some really fun stuff that can be done with Photoshop. My third assignment was my favorite. In this assignment we were to show what we learned about channels and creating highlights and shadows among other things like rays of sunlight. I used two of my own photos and four stock photos. I added shadows and rays and used filters. Here are the photos I used:

My end result:

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