August 28, 2007

Ok so I need to do some catch up here…

After posting “Yeah I got a Name for this type of Dude” Sis, Mini Red and I headed to the White Marlin Open where I bumped into Boating Man. He was shocked to see me and found out we had friends in common. Meanwhile, the winning Blue Marlin was brought in weighing 632.5 lbs.

Mini Red had three surfing lessons during our vacation. She was amazing and by the third lesson she rode a wave in. I enjoyed sitting on the beach drinking my coffee and taking photos not only Mini Red surfing but all the surfers. It was beautiful.

Mini Red stayed at the beach with Ma while I headed back for a week of work. I was so jealous but I was back the next Friday and I made it in time for Happy Hour at Macky's. That weekend Mini Red and I had a lot of fun digging a big hole on the beach and playing Pirate Golf. I thought I might have captured our Christmas photo but Mini Red’s face is obscured by her hair.

That Sunday I had to take her to her Dad’s where she would stay for another week away. We spoke every day and it seems she didn’t do a whole lot but then again it was her last week of Summer Holiday.

Finally, this past Friday Mini Red came home and to top it off she presented me with a beautiful silver heart necklace for my birthday. I spent the evening working til late while she got unpacked and organized so we could have a fun weekend before school started.

First thing, Saturday, we were off to get school supplies and Target was crazy town. We got our errands completed in time for the pool party and we couldn’t have asked for a better time. Everyone was playing in the pool and got out just as the food was being brought off the grill and a big storm blew in. We met lots of new people and even tried goat meat kabobs. One of the families has a goat farm and the goat meat was awesome.

Sunday, we relaxed, caught the movie The Nanny Diaries and got ready for the first day of school. The movie was great but Mini Red and I had a tough time sleeping Sunday night. Mini Red and I were both a little nervous about the first day of school plus I had the beginning of three days of training I have to do. It’s always a little nerve wracking standing up in front of a bunch of people teaching them a few things to help them do their job better.

Monday, Mini Red and I headed out with dark circles under our eyes but our fears of the day proved unfounded. She has reconnected with some friends and my training preparation day proved I’m ready to teach for the next two days.

Next weekend I am back at the beach and the plans call for Seacrets and some Pain in De Asses. I can’t wait!

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