July 19, 2006

Forget sleeping with the fishes… How about showering with the crickets?

For some reason I've just been exhausted lately. I can't seem to get my ass into bed to fall asleep. I tend to fall asleep on the couch then realize I need to clean up, from dinner, and clean and moisturize my face. By that time I'm awake and ready to scrub bathrooms and clean. But I can't because I would wake up Mini Red.

I tend to be on the nocturnal side but not as much as when I was younger. I would sleep til noon after staying up til 3am. Now a days I'm still up just not as late and 9am is sleeping in for me. I'm afraid I'll miss the day. This is especially true when I go to the beach. I love getting up at 6am and going biking, with Dad, down the boardwalk and picking up hot donuts on the way home. Then sitting on the beach reading until it's time for Happy Hour. Maybe a nap somewhere in there too!

This morning I hit the snooze for an hour and was still dragging around. I got in the shower and when I looked down at the cleaning scrub brush I keep in my shower something moved. Aaaahhhh! Damnit! It's one of those crickets. I hopped out and screamed for Mini Red.

Mini Red: "What Mom?"

Red: "I found that cricket that got loose! They always end up in my shower."

Mini Red: "Here's the tube. I just finished feeding Kima."

Red: "Is it empty?"

Mini Red: "Yeah"

Red: " No it isn't, I see one in there and I'm not letting another one loose, with me naked, in this shower."
Mini Red runs off and comes back quickly. I check again to make sure the tube is empty before opening it to capture the loose cricket in my shower. Mini Red takes the tube and feeds the cricket to Kima.

I finish my shower and I assure you I'm awake now.

Yes, I own a Bearded Dragon, and I love her, but the crickets creep me out. This is why we have a very nice little system for storing the crickets and capturing them in these tubes to then feed to Kima. This doesn't mean that every once-in-a-while there aren't escapees.

The cricket I found this morning got loose maybe a month ago. Mini Red was feeding Kima one morning and calls to me because one got loose and she had it trapped. She told me the tube was empty and I didn't check before handing it over to her to capture the loose cricket. She was WRONG! We now have two loose… Oye! I quickly grabbed the gardening gloves and picked up the one I could see and fed it to Kima. The other one was nowhere to be found. SHIT! This means I will find it in my shower one morning. I found one in the shower once before but we never knew one had escaped.

I understand this might happen but when these bugs are loose in your home and you find it when you least expect it and naked on top of that… It tends to freak you out a bit.


  1. Please note: The lightning bug is deadly to a bearded dragon.

  2. im with LBB, i have no idea what a 'bearded dragon' is. i thought maybe it was some feminist alternative to the brazilian bikini wax. i guess i was still picturing you in the shower. im relieved to know its not that.
    ill go now

  3. I have always wanted a bearded dragon! I used to look at them at the pet store all the time. :)

  4. I think Animal Planet might have a field day in your house if one of their producers read this post. Can't you feed Kima some cat food or some shit instead of running around naked chasing crickets?
    And at the same time I don't mind being a fly on the wall watching Red dancing around NAKED but Kima will have me for snack in no time.

    Mad Cabbie.

  5. What a great way to get rid of crickets!

  6. I'm sorry, but the only thing I remember about this post is that you were naked.

  7. Geesshh! All you guys think of is naked.

    The point is bugs oogie me out and to be caught by suprise is one thing but to be caught when your naked and vulnerable is quite another.

  8. I had to do a search for bearded dragon...they're very cool! crickets wouldn't bother me. but those little pincher bugs (I have no idea what they're called) oogie me out bigtime. ;)

  9. The bearded dragon is a cool pet. We recently got Kima a leash and trying to get her used to it.

    The only bad part is her poops are atrocious smelling. It stinks up the whole apartment!

  10. Wait.... Let me get this straight: You've got an oversized lizard for a housepet, and yet you get grossed out by a cricket!?!?

  11. A bearded dragon isn't oversized. It's smaller than an iguana and much nicer.

    They just have spikes.

  12. Spikes!?!?! Yeah, that's always an important quality in a housepet.
