March 29, 2007

We are our own worst critic aren't we?

Thanks for all the great comments on the last post.

Since I started blogging Velvet was always been a big local presence. Her boldness to speak her mind is wonderful and I have loved and admired her writing. I knew it was coming to an end but when I read “I’m done” I knew she meant it and it hit me and really made me think.

There are times I was obsessed about posting but I realize I want quality instead of quantity.

The obsessing to write has chilled out and the purpose for the blog has changed but now I need to figure out the purpose. Who am I writing for? What does blogworthy mean for Life of Red?

As a single Mom and now having this class time is limited. As a Blogger I sometimes sit behind the computer for a really long time. Monday night I had a kick ass run with Mrs. M, ran some errands and chilled on the couch with Mini Red. I didn’t touch the computer all evening. It was kinda nice. The weather is getting beautiful and that’s another factor in less blogging.

Life of Red won’t end and I won’t stop blogging but some re-evaluating is definitely going on.

In the meantime... Tish is doing the Self Portrait Challenge again and found this fun thing to do:

Create your own mosaic here.

**Click the photo to see closer

March 26, 2007

What are we all doing here?

Velvet is shutting down! I’m so sad but it lasted longer than expected. I feel like I’m losing a friend.

It’s times like these when you reevaluate your own blog. My most recent post is really rather boring. I’m touching on a few subjects I thought might be interesting like the ad on the coffee but in essence it’s not the quality I would like to bring to you. I was once told by a reader that he was hooked when he read, “ smelled like pussy..” and another reader flat out told me, recently, that they like the older stuff better, like The C Battery.

My schedule is busy and my posts are fewer. This blog started as a way to post some of those crazy dates I was having two years ago when I did the online dating thing. Or the odd things I would notice in the world around us but life seems to have gotten simpler… For many. Who has the time to write let alone read.

There are the funny interactions like one I had with Google Boy on Friday. To write it and post just isn’t as fun as it used to be and not sure if I can capture the humor he and I found in it.

So I am going to make a pledge to do better posts. Maybe some Photoshop stuff but posts like my last one will be a thing of the past. This means less posts and I will fight my urge to post ramblings.
Maybe I’ve been trying too hard and you’ll enjoy me more if I’m not readily available?

It was a Mini Red weekend

Friday, I took Mini Red to see The Last Mimzy. AWESOME, AWESOME, AWESOME flick. Very cool, imaginative and had us hooked all the way through.

Saturday, Mini Red and I met up with Nicole, who is in town from Chicago. She is staying in Dupont and we picked up Louie (her dude) from the firehouse and headed downtown. The Dupont area is so cool and we found a little nail salon where Mini Red and I got pedicures and Nicole got a manicure. I loved this place because they were clean and actually sanitized and sterilized their utensils between clients. As we were drying I did a double take on Nicole’s coffee. They are placing ads on the coffee wrap thingies. Sorry this pic is fuzzy but I was amused that Tylenol PM is advertising on coffee. Isn’t that... Ironic?

After our pampering we were off to have a bite to eat and decided on Trio Restaurant. This is a nice quiet place that can make just about anything you want. We all talked over our meal as if Nicole never left the area. Often times our conversations turn towards Mini Red and grades and what not. It still surprises me when Nicole says things to Mini Red that start with, “Your Mom…”

OMG! I’m a Mom and my daughter is at THAT age. Am I really that old? Mini Red is talking about boys and I just want to cover my ears and sing, “lalalalalalalala”. If I ignore it will it go away? No!

One of the discussions this weekend was forget the boys and do for you. Get the school work done and make goals and move towards them. Deal with the chaos that is relationships once you get your life set and in order and procure a high paying job to support your mother if she lives that long (hahahaha). This is coming from experience cause the opposite sex is very confusing.

Saturday night I ate something that didn't agree with me and I was up at 3:30 in the morning after an FN nightmare. I couldn’t get back to sleep so I turned on the TV in hopes it would bore me to sleep but I found Rocky… Ohhh, a good one! Just as I was able to fall back into lala land Mini Red walks in to climb into bed with me. I’m my half conscious state I just shushed her, several times, but she was still talking. Thank goodness she finally got the hint and let me sleep but she had an ulterior motive.

She woke me around 10 thinking her religion class was at 10. She was a bit miffed when I told her it was at 11 and begged me not to make her go. Hahahahaha the life of a Mom can be so joyous at times when you can torture your child with things such as religion class. Mooohahahaha.

Today was such a beautiful day so we got some pansies and planted them on the balcony. I think Mini Red’s favorite part was when we went to the park and she gave me a tour of the creek she's recently found. We started at one end and worked our way down by walking on tree branches and stones. Near the end there were some kids swinging and this little girl was pointing to Mini Red and I in the creek. She was amazed we were in the creek and said, “That one looks like a MOTHER!

I looked up at her smiled and said, “I am a MOTHER!”

We went home and just chilled out as one should do on a Sunday. I finally got to watch the movie Babel, which is another great flick. I was surprised my phone didn’t ring all day until I just realized the ringer was off.

I think this was just the weekend Mini Red and I needed especially since next weekend she is going away for her week of spring break. I can’t stand for her to be gone that long especially when it’s with FN but oh well. So I’ve got myself booked and won’t have a minute to breathe so that should help the week go by fast.

How was your weekend? Has anyone else seen The Last Mimzy?

Happy Birthday Shortie!

March 22, 2007

HEAD and SHOULDERS, knees and toes, knees and toes

Class last night was SO MUCH FUN! The topic was Head and Shoulders. We were going to learn how to put someone's head on another person's shoulders. I could very well become a menace to family and friends with my new knowledge and talents.

Almost every class the Professor will say something to the effect of, "If your not having fun then you shouldn't be here. We have a lovely Accounting course maybe you would enjoy."

Last night I had so much fun that I was tempted to yell out, "I'M HAVING FUN!" Thank goodness I didn't but I was wiggling in my seat.

So after he reviewed and taught us it was our turn to do something original. I had no idea and no real great photos to work from. Then it hit me!

I have this great photo from a friend's wedding day. She had a traditional Indian wedding and her outfit was red and decorated elaborately. I decided to put my head on her shoulders. So I took my face from this photo we saw in the last post.

After some adjustments I came up with this: I had so much fun with this and finished rather quickly so I did more:

Ok here it is a little closer.

This photo with the green eyes and the piercings didn't go over well with Mini Red. She didn't like Mama Red looking like that.

Gawd! I love this class! Not bad for my first time.

March 18, 2007

How did you get your green on?

What a day! I didn’t think I would be doing much but Shortie contacted me and said she and her Dude were heading to The Big Jig. Wahoo! I’m in! I should be since I wore a big sticker on my ass promoting the Big Jig last weekend at the Shamrock Festival.

But first I met up with Nicole for a coffee. I hadn’t seen her in so long and she seemed happier than I had seen her in a long time. She’s gonna be in town for two weeks and I’m so happy to see her.

I finished up a load of laundry before heading out to meet up with Shortie and her Dude. The venue was smaller than I had expected and she was quick to point out the mud and suggested I roll up my pants. I got my beer and the three of us headed up front in preparation for Scythian to play again.

It wasn’t long before Scythain got going and some young chickies pushed their way in front of us. No biggie but I believe they had more to drink than I did at this point and they were jumping up and down. I pretty much had my hand in the little bitch’s back trying to keep her off my toes. I do understand the venue and expected crowds but she had a ton of room in front of her. Maybe I’m getting too old for this? Hahahaha.

They started throwing stuff out and I raised my arm and, evidently, smacked her upside the head with my elbow (the good one). Hahahaha I have to laugh at this cause I think she got mad and really was trying to jump on my toes at this point. So I turned around and pushed my ass her way to help her keep her distance.

Soon they were all jumping all around us now and it wasn’t long before a cup of Guinness got thrown in the air and landed mostly on Shortie. HAHAHAHAHAHA

I’m sorry for laughing Shortie but you know it was funny. This was when Shortie’s Dude said, “Lets move out”. Smart boy cause Shortie and I weren’t getting along with these kiddies. So we moved out got Shortie cleaned up and got another beer. We found another spot in the back and had a blast shaking it all up. The people around us were hilarious.

There was a couple in front of us that just couldn’t keep their hands off each other’s butts. Then there was the dude that took to rolling up his pants to a new height and of course the best was the dude with the green Goatee.
So we shook our toucases and drank a good amount of beer… At least I did. So once I get a few beers in me then I tend to be bold enough to go up to people and ask to take their pictures. There was this stage hand who had some really cool eyes (contacts) and piercings. He looked kind of scary but I knew I could get Shortie to help. This is like the Shamrock Fest where I would have never approached the Mohawk dude but I had a few beers. I have also realized that life is short and I don’t want to regret something as cool as this dude that I could bring to you.

Anyhow, Shortie and I are wandering around while Scythian is on a break. We saw the green-eyed stage-hand but he disappeared. As we rounded to head back into the tent we bump into Leks! Ahhhh. Amazingly Shortie and I were quick on our feet and I threw her my camera and grabbed him for a photo, which seemed fine with him. I told him I loved his crazy hair today. He said he like the color of mine and we were off on our separate ways.
I was tickled to say the least and now I was more ready to get that photo with the Green-Eyed dude. We headed back out of the tent and around and who should we see next… JOE! I completely interrupted his conversation to ask about his stage hand and ask for a photo with him too. Cool!
Joe pointed us back around into the tent to find the green-eyed guy. Thank goodness for Shortie cause I would have missed him. Shortie’s Dude showed up outta nowhere and offered to take the photo so Shortie could get in it too.
Well, we were about done there and we had gotten our drink on pretty good as well as the photos we wanted. We were hungry so we walked towards Fado’s but it looked crowded. I suggested the inexpensive Fuddruckers and all were up for that.

Fuddruckers was a crazy mad house so I’m glad I was in the state I was in or it might have made me a bit crazy. That food was soooo good and after a Lenten Friday I had a hankering for some meat.

I figured after Fuddruckers Shortie and her Dude were heading home and I was heading to meet up with Texpundit and other bloggers. To my very pleasant surprise Shortie was coming with me and her Dude headed home. I didn’t really know where I was going so I was glad Shortie was coming with me.

We hopped on the Metro and headed to Union Station knowing the Dubliner was only a block away but who knows which direction. I hadn’t been to Union Station in years but Shortie seemed to know her way around and got us to the Dubliner in no time.

The line was long but moved quickly. I had no idea what Tex looked like but I knew Scarlett. We didn’t see her anywhere and we searched the whole place. We even went upstairs and as we were looking around a horrible smell wafted through the air. Some freakish dude asked if I shit my pants. I told him I thought it was him and grabbed Shortie and got out of there cause that was some awful smelling shit. Uggggggh.

We never did find Tex and Scarlett and finally heard from him that he had left. Before we left we met Kimberly who was complimenting my hair. Shortie got a photo of Kimberly, her friend and I and I told her I would post it here. It doesn’t do any of us justice but you are an awesome chick Kimberly.
We had an awesome time and here I expected to not even leave my apartment this weekend. I love when things come up out of the blue and those are often some of the best experiences.

My day ended by chatting via IM with a friend I hadn’t talked to in a long time. Thanks Smith!

You can see all the photos on Flickr.

March 16, 2007

Top O' The Morning To You

With St. Patricks Day so near I am reminded of a typical Irish greeting:
"Top O' The Morning To You."
The typical Irish response is:
"And the rest of the day to yourself."
I recently found an Irish spanking tale (yes, I said spanking) I thought you all might get a kick out of:


It was a foine, soft mornin' in the Glen of Aherlow. The grass was a lovely emerald green, and the patches of heather on the sides of the Knockmealldown Mountains in the distance added a delightful splash of contrasting colour to the scene. If it were not for the rain, it would, for certain, have been a grand day altogether. As it was, for those in the Glen as well as the rest of the land, 'twas surely a day to be happy. The winter was over, the shamrocks were filling the country with the mystic message of the Holy Patrick, Himself, even though the man had long since departed this mortal coil and gone to live with the rest of the saints as well as the angels and archangels and all the company of Heaven. The month was March, the date the seventeenth, when all the world tried to be Irish, and if they failed in the attempt, they wished indeed that they were. Paidrag, whose birthday it was, looked down from among the clouds, proud that his work was done and done well. There wasn't a snake to be seen in all Ireland.

It so happened, however, that a grand wee leprechaun named Seamus was just coming from Mrs. O'Brien's public house on the road that winds through the Glen, where he had partaken of the spirits of Hennessey, Bushmills and the local potheen, washed down with a pint of good Guinness, when he was accosted by none other than Donnel, the O'Toole himself.

"Ah, Seamus," said The O'Toole. "I've caught you at last, and on Paddy's day itself," and grasping the leprechaun by the arm, led him back into the snug of Mrs. O'Brien's establishment. In due course the local squire, awakened from his sleep by the pair of them singing 'The Wearing of the Green' in magnificent, fortissimo style, called upon the local constabulary to do their duty and restore peace and order to the Glen of Aherlow.

Constable Connel O'Flynn duly made the call, and reminded Mrs. O'Brien that the licensed hours in Tipperary did not begin before noon, and that it was now only seven o'clock in the morning. Colleen O'Brien did her best to explain, and told Connel that Seamus the leprechaun and the O'Toole himself were two famous Irish tenors on tour, and as travellers, permitted certain dispensations, according to the Holy Father himself. Constable O'Flynn politely pointed out that the O'Toole was hardly a traveller, being a resident of the village of Kilshane a mere half a country mile from the pub, and the leprechaun was well known to reside in a wee cottage in the Glen itself. Sadly accepting the logic of the constable's argument, Colleen announced , "Last call!" and served a final pint of Harp Lager to Seamus, Donnel O'Toole and naturally one for Constable Connel himself. Mrs. O'Brien had a wee nip of The Glenlivet for herself.

In due course, their drinks finished, Seamus and O'Toole took their leave, while Connel O'Flynn remained behind to take care of Colleen O'Brien's behind by giving the pretty lady a grand spanking on her fine bare ass for serving outside legal hours. They both enjoyed it thoroughly, and had another drink after.

Meanwhile, out on the roadway, The O'Toole asked, "Seamus, I did catch you coming out of the pub, didn't I?"

"That you did, Donnel."

"Is it true what they say about leprechauns when you catch them?"

"Aye, it is that, Donnel. Come away to my place and we'll have a look in the pot, and there should be some gold for you." Arm in arm they staggered down the road to Seamus' cottage, singing 'The Harp That Once Through Tara's Halls,' almost in tune. Some distance away at Kilshane, the squire rolled over in his bed, groaned, and covered his ears with his pillow.

On reaching the cottage, Seamus led The O'Toole around to the back, to a wee space between the chicken coop and the pig pen where there was what looked like a very small hay stack. Seamus pulled some of the hay out of the way, revealing a large black pot. "Here we are, Donnel! Gold! Liquid gold, a wee dram for you and another for myself." Seamus raised the lid, and was horrified to see that the pot was empty!

At that very moment, they heard a sneeze. It was none other than Elora, Seamus' lovely callypigian companion with the gorgeous red hair, sparkling green eyes and mischievous grin.

"Sure and faith, Donnel, the lass has done it again!"

"Done what again, Seamus?"

"She's taken The Glenlivet!"

"May all the saints above, especially Holy Patrick Himself, have mercy upon us." The O'Toole was always correct in his devotions.

"Amen!" said Seamus, seating himself on the step of the stile that goes over the fence around the chicken coop. "Over my lap, Mavourneen," he said to Elora, who complied at once, lifting her skirts as she did so.

Seamus was pleased to see that the colleen was properly dressed for the holy day, the usual pale blue panties having been replaced for the occasion by a lovely green pair.

While Donnel O'Toole, licking his lips, watched, Seamus patted the two green mounds, then because this was a private moment, asked his friend to close his eyes for a few minutes. Down came the panties, and Seamus, after admiring the glorious view and stroking the tender softness, gave Elora a nice spanking.

When the spanking was over, Donnel was told he could open his eyes, and Elora went to the basket she had been carrying to where the pot was hidden, and produced from it a beautiful green bottle. Its contents may have come from just across the water in Banffshire, but at least the bottle was suited to Patrick's isle.

The three of them had a grand time since Elora, still rubbing her spanked bottom appreciatively, had also brought three cut glass tumblers of Waterford crystal. These served admirably, and when it was time for the pub to be opened legally by Mrs. O'Brien, the Glenlivet bottle being emptied, Donnel O'Toole betook himself there, while Seamus took Elora across his lap once again. Surely it was her fault that the bottle was empty?

As The O'Toole took his leave, they all exchanged the correct greetings for St. Patrick's day, and with a wave to Elora and Seamus, Donnel said, "And the top o'the morning to you both."

Together, just as the pretty green panties were lowered again, Seamus and lovely Elora said in chorus, "And the rest of the day to yourself." Happy St. Patrick's Day!

This tale comes to you through the courtesy of Blarney Castle, County Cork, in the Republic of Ireland. (Yes, I really did kiss the Blarney Stone. Shows at times, I guess.)

Ross of Kilahara

Fookin' Koontz

March 15, 2007

Oye! It has been a very disappointing week... So far

Thank goodness I had the Shamrock Festival in the middle of it all, but...

I just don’t get you boys.

Taxes... Enuf said!

Driving in DC.

My Spring Break day was disappointing and Mini Red is now in big doo doo trouble. She's kissing my butt right now trying to get out of her punishment.

With all my frustrations, lately, today was unusual at work. I was the happy-go-lucky positive one. I guess someone had to be. Tomorrow I'm dragging my co-workers on a field trip. We are gettin' a free coffee at Starbucks. I hope they know where one is.

Ok here is another positive... Brother-Man and SIL announced the name they have chosen for the baby at our weekly Family Dinner. They are naming him after my Dad. The look on Dad's face was priceless!

I’m sure it will be better tomorrow after a run with Mrs. M. A good run always helps. Oh crap! I hope it doesn't rain.

If all else fails then I will hang with the Fam and we will get our drink on celebrating St. Patrick's Day at the beach... In the cold... And the rain.

OK, OK, OK I know! I can get some sleep this weekend.

Much better now.

March 13, 2007

Today is my Spring Break! Wahoo!

Well... Not the kind of Spring Break those girls are having.

No school for me tonight because it's Spring Break! Next week we learn how to put people's heads/faces on other bodies. Can't wait!

In the meantime I get tonight off and my trip to NJ for work got cancelled. I'm glad I won't be driving that tonight.

Mini Red has stated that when swimming she has been getting out of breath. I suggested she do other exercising so tonight she is going running with me. This should be interesting especially since she has grown out of most of her shoes and she will be wearing a pair of mine, just for tonight. I'm looking forward to it.

A funny little Meme with references to Me

So Tex tagged me with a Meme. I feel like I just got a chain letter. I always hated those things but they aren't so bad when you don't have to mail crap. So here goes:

This is how it works… Go to Wikipedia and search for your birthday. Find three notable historic events that occurred on that day, two notable births (besides yourself), one death, and one holiday. Tag five people to do the same.

Notable Historic Events

  • 1969 - Police raid on Spahn Ranch; Charles Manson arrested.
  • 1984 - Carmaker John De Lorean is acquitted of all eight counts of possessing and distributing cocaine.

    Notable Births
  • 1933 - Julie Newmar, American actress
  • 1958 - Madonna, American singer and actress
  • Frank Gifford (b.1930) and Kathie Lee Gifford (b.1953) have the same birthday. How odd?

    Notable Death (It was my 9th birthday and I was so sad)
  • 1977 - Elvis Presley, American singer and actor (b. 1935)

    Notable Holiday
  • Palio dell'Assunta in Siena (on the day after the Assumption of Mary)

  • Ok so now I'm supposed to tag five people but I'm not gonna. If you wanna do this meme I will put a link here. Just let me know. Have fun!

    Who’s Playing:
    A Texas Longhorn in Buckeye Country

    A blogger meet up of another kind

    Sunday night Mini Red and I were invited for dinner at Miss Monnie’s, The Creole Princess herself.

    I was so excited since she and I have been emailing for sometime now and I know she’s an awesome cook. I felt as if I already knew her. This is one amazing woman who has been dealt some interesting cards, to say the least, and she just shines despite the past. She has an amazing attentive husband, Robby, and two awesome dogs, Lucy and Jaru.

    We arrived and were greeted with Monnie smashing her face in the window and the dogs barking excited to meet new people. I instantly recognized the yellow walls I have seen in the pictures. Her home is beautiful and reflects her well. We were introduced to more of Monnie’s friends Tsiporah and E. E and Mini Red became instant friends and had a blast playing with the dogs as Tsiporah Monnie and I talked, well… I talked... a lot, as if we had all been friends for some time.

    Soon after Robby walked in and opened the wine and we were all sitting down to eat a most fabulous meal. Come to find out Robby is a runner and Tsiporah is training to run a marathon. I told her I would be glad to volunteer and hand out water or whatever if she needed anyone at her training meets. I’m so excited for her. Maybe one day I will finally run a marathon.

    We had an awesome time and feel as if we have a new group of friends. Monnie is an amazing woman and an inspiration.

    Next time my camera won’t fail me and I’ll get a picture of Monnie's impression of a Camel Back Spider. Hahahaha.

    It was great to finally meet you Chica and see we redheads aren’t so mystical after all.

    See what Monnie had to say about us. The Reds are Coming!

    March 12, 2007

    I got my green on at the Shamrock Festival

    Had a blast at the SHAMROCKFEST! If you weren’t there then you missed a great time.

    We got a bit of a late start but I think many had the same thought. As we were walking out of the Metro Station to the Stadium all the kids were clapping. They were so excited to get their drink on but JT and I just laughed and commented on feeling so old amongst the kiddies.

    Since we had VIP tickets we had a separate entrance and flew right through. As they were strapping on my wrist band for my unlimited beer the dude commented on how I look like I’m always ready for St. Patrick’s Day with my red hair. I said, “Yeah but I still need to wear green.”

    He said, “What? Are your eyes brown?”

    No! There Greenish! Ahhhh good point!”

    It didn‘t take us to long to get pointed in the right direction towards VIP Area #1. Ahhh that first beer tasted so good. We enjoyed our beer and just took it all in. It was amazing how many were drunk already and others had set up a huge flip cup tournament.

    We pulled out our schedule of bands and decided to head out and investigate. We found The Connells were playing at the HiBall Events Stage. The crowd was large and we couldn’t get too close but they put on a good show.

    We soon finished our beers and headed back to VIP Area #1 for more beer. As we were deciding where to go head to next I saw a familiar face… Ar-Jew-Tino! Ohh and there’s Kassy and I-66. Kassy looks awesome as a brunette but her boobs didn’t look as big as they did in that last Blogger HH photos she was in. I was so excited to see everyone since I haven’t been to a happy hour in so long. Then I saw JOE! It’s Joe Logon… “Dude! I didn’t know you were gonna be here?” So what does Joe do first…? He gathers everyone for a blogger photo.

    Poor JT was probably overwhelmed with his first introduction into blogger world but I made sure to introduce him around. Mrs. M felt the same way the first time I brought her into blogger world. He even got his picture snapped and I warned him he was gonna be blogged now. “Uh oh” was his response.

    As the bloggers were dispersing we headed out to investigate. We found VIP Area #2 but it was way more crowded and we didn’t stay long. Just as JT was asking if I was gonna take any pictures I noticed the most incredible mohawk, which stood about a foot high. I asked the dude if I could take his picture cause I loved his mohawk. He said sure but I had to be in the picture with him and giving the finger to the camera.

    I’m such a dork I can’t even flip the bird cool like. Hahahaha. The number of Port-A-Potties was impressive as can be seen behind us. If you had to pee the line was never long… Thank goodness. The longest line for a toilet was in the VIP area where they had trailers with running water but even those lines weren’t bad.

    Carbon Leaf was playing at 6:10 so we beat feet over there and it was so cool! The crowd was HUGE but we pushed forward. I loved watching people get picked up and all the hands that just carried them up towards the front over top of everyone. They played for only an hour and there was an hour lull before Flogging Molly was to perform. There were so many people so we headed back to the VIP area on the other side. Seems everyone else was to drunk to think of this so we grabbed some seats and chilled out for a while where it was less crazy.

    At about 8 we decided to head out to catch emmet swimming who was playing til 9 and Flogging Molly was playing 8 to 9:30. The plan was to catch the end of Flogging Molly but we were having so much fun with emmet that we stayed right there. When they were done the rain was coming down and we were done for the night.

    I couldn’t have asked for better weather or better company. It was an awesome day!

    Other ShamrockFest Recaps:
    Shamrock out with your...
    Pot o' gold
    Never Have I Ever
    Um, they should call it Boozefest Revisited
    Shamrock Fest '07 (mohawk)
    My interview with DJ AM
    Quotes from ShamrockFest '07
    ShamrockFest, David Mamet and the Pretty Young Abercrombie Blonde

    March 9, 2007


    Maybe you aren’t aware (if you live under a rock) but the SHAMROCKFEST `07 is nearly HERE! This year it’s held at RFK, but I’m sure you already knew that.

    Aren’t you excited?!?!?!?!

    So many of my favorite local bands in one place! I’m gonna need to clone myself or be running around like a crazy woman to catch them all.

    I’ve listened to The Kelly Bell Band out of Baltimore but never seen them. Mrs. M raves about them.

    Scythian is awesome! They are at their best when playing Flanagan’s Harp and Fiddle in Bethesda. They even encourage everyone to drink Car Bombs and keep count and try to beat it every time they go back to H&F. Not sure what the count is up to. You can’t keep your feet, let alone much else, still when listening to these guys.

    I saw Mr. Greengenes years ago at The Clarendon Ballroom and just loved em! Their energy carries out to everyone who hears them.

    I've been listening to emmet swimming for at least a decade now. They started while in college at James Madison (I believe) and have several albums out. I’ve met some really freaky guys at their concerts so beware ladies.

    Do you know who DJ AM is? Yup you got it he’s the famous DJ from the west who was once engaged to Nicole Ritchie. I like him so much better now that he is making better decisions.

    You don’t want to miss Carbon Leaf. A Virginia based band that has been making a name for themselves working national tours. They’ve come home for a visit and decided to play a few tunes.

    The headliner is Flogging Molly lead by Dublin born Dave King. What could be better for getting into the Irish spirit for St. Patty’s Day. Everyone will be talking with the Irish accent by the time they leave.

    March 8, 2007

    Signs of Spring in DC

    As I was driving into work this morning I saw it… A sign that Spring is not far.

    Crews were out on the Potomac rowing. I couldn’t help but let out a big sigh and relax just a bit. Forget the groundhog’s predictions us here Washingtonians look for the crew teams out in the water.

    This means the Potomac has thawed and Spring is not far behind. I love driving into work and seeing them out there. It’s beautiful!

    Winter doesn’t bother me primarily because I have the butt warmers in my car but I’m done with it. After that beautiful day last Saturday I’m jonesing for warmer weather.

    Ok so that photo wasn’t taken in DC… I took it on the North Shore of Oahu. You get my drift though, right?

    March 6, 2007

    Visual DNA

    I got this from Tiffany.

    Tiffany got it from Dawn.

    Now you try it!

    March 4, 2007

    What a fabulous day to be Irish!

    The weather was great.

    The St Patrick’s Day Parade in Alexandria was great.

    The Irish Bar hopping was great.

    The beers were great.

    The Irish music was great.

    The Bagpipes were great.

    The company was the best!

    Next Saturday, March 10th, is the Shamrock Festival! Wahoo!

    Next Sunday, March 11th, is DC’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade.

    I hope the weather is just as good next weekend as it was today.

    Can’t wait!

    March 2, 2007

    Wanna peek? Sure ya do!

    I know I know there has been a lack of posts from your truly. I’ve heard it from a few of you and I find that a bit amusing.

    Justin, who I haven’t spoken to in about a month, called to see if I was ok.

    Google Boy called and said “No posts in 6 days! Is this correct? I want to make sure I’m not missing anything.”

    I even got an email from Elvis asking what’s up with the dating scene especially after this post. He said he would be my cheerleading section:
    She's sexy, she's cute,
    She's popular to boot.
    She's bitchin', great hair,
    The boys all love to stare,
    She's wanted, she's hot,
    She's everything GSA feds are not.
    As for you curious folks… No, I did not hear from DM but I didn’t expect to. Steps have been taken in the dating arena but that is not to be revealed for fear of being jinxed.

    This life of mine has so many roles and keeping me very busy especially of late.

    Work is very busy and no time to even check out any blogs during the day let alone post. It doesn’t help that I’m on site and only have dial up for internet. On-site we are in a room with no windows on the bottom floor. Because of the tight security we have to be escorted anywhere we go in the building so we just stay in this room until we leave. We are, thank goodness, allowed to go to the bathroom unescorted. I have come to the conclusion that women come from all parts of the building to our out-of-the-way bathroom to unleash the dead within them. Each day I am able to hold my breath longer and longer.

    Class is five hours every Tuesday evening. Two hours lecture and three hours lab but the time flies and I’m loving it. We recently learned to repair/restore old or damaged photos and colorization.

    As a Single Mom Mini Red keeps me busy. She has swimming twice a week and then there are the various activities such as her concerts. Going to the concerts can be pain not only because I don’t know many of the other parents but I often sit alone or even worse with Mini Red’s father (ugggh), his wife and various other family members of his. I love to listen to Mini Red play but these events get PACKED and are enough to make anyone claustrophobic. I would do anything for Mini Red and thankfully my family tries their best to be there for not only Mini Red but me.

    Wednesday is Family Dinner Night. Brotha-Man, SIL, Sis and sometimes… Hmmmm he needs a name. I’m talking about Sis’s boyfriend... Let’s call him Chase. Haha it’s done you finally have a name here. So as I was saying we all go over to the Folks for dinner every Wednesday after work. We catch up on what everyone is up to and sometimes other family members join us like Aunts and Uncles. These nights have become more fun each week and bring us all closer. We love seeing SIL’s pregnant belly growing on her tiny frame. Mini Red will play her violin and more recently I have been sharing what I have been producing in my class. My big night was when Chase found me in Wa Po Express (print edition pg 36) and brought a copy for me. I think Dad got a kick out of it or at least I did watching him read it.

    Then there is the one night I run. Mrs. M and I alternate meeting at each others homes and we run different routes each time. This has at times been difficult but we motivate each other. We miss every so often due to weather or illness but try to make it up. We not only get some exercise but there are other benefits like exploring the neighborhoods around us and getting time to talk away from the craziness that is our lives.

    So there you have a peek into my crazy weekdays and why I might be tired. You know what? I wouldn’t have it any other way.