Too Much Construction
Construction in my office building started with the need to install a sprinkler system. It's kinda scary that there never was a sprinkler system. Especially, since our building is attached to one of Alexandria's Court Houses. On top of that they are re-doing the walls and wallpaper, doors and soon to come the carpet. Oh I almost forgot the parking garage.
So then driving my hour drive home there is road construction. This is D.C. there is ALWAYS road construction. This is especially fun if I have to go to my client site prior to the office and I have to travel over the Woodrow Wilson Bridge. It's fascinating to see all the construction come to fruition but the backup can be painful. At least in the car I've been listening to Angels and Demons, by Dan Brown, on CD.
I get home just as the dudes working on my apartment building are leaving. They have renovated the lobby, windows, carpet, flooring, painted the walls in the hall and are currently updating all the balconies. I love what they have done to the building except for the gold paint on the elevators.
With all this construction you'd think there would be some hunky dudes… no such luck. The only good part is I'm getting high from all the fumes.